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Welcome to the Mulgray Twins website. Read about the resourceful DJ Smith, undercover agent for HM Revenue & Customs and her 'sniffer' cat Gorgonzola.
That’s what we say when it comes to writing a novel. People are always asking us how two people go about writing a book together. Well, it's easy when you're a twin - same way of thinking, same ideas, same style. It isn't a case of taking turns to write a sentence, a paragraph, or a chapter. One types on the laptop, and both make suggestions, of a word, phrase, or sentence – all mulled over till mutually agreed!
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The first twins in the world to write a novel together in English!
‘We write crime novels, but gory violence isn’t our kind of writing. There are several murders but the violence is always tastefully done, no nightmares! Suspense mixed with light humour, that’s what we like – and that’s what you’ll find in our series featuring DJ Smith, an investigator for HM Revenue & Customs with her trained sniffer cat, Gorgonzola, a moth-eaten Persian with, like all cats, a mind of her own.
Listen to us on
episode one
on BBC Radio 4
and on
Woman's Hour
by googling
Mulgray Twins on
Twin Nation episode 1
(you need Flash Player)
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